
Webinar: Ocean Acidification Perspectives from Shellfish Industry

The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN) will host the free webinar "Perspectives from the Commercial Shellfish Industry" on Feb. 21, 2017 from 1-2 p.m.

The seafood industry in the Mid-Atlantic is robust and a critical component of the regional economy. Unfortunately, acidification has the potential to disrupt this industry from top to bottom with coupled direct/indirect effects. Commercial shell-fishermen need viable strategies to understand, anticipate, and respond to future changes brought on by acidification. Such complex analyses require a coordinated effort between industry and academic research collaborations. Commercial shellfish industry perspectives and academic partnerships will be the focus of the third webinar in this series. David Kuhn, Aquaculture Research and Extension Program at Virginia Tech, and A.J. Erskine, KCB Oyster, will present on the knowledge and advancements to be gained by industry-academic partnerships. 

Those interested may register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1583864472098013955. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.



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