'How Tuesday' Webinar: MARACOOS Data
The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal recently published its first series of map layers showing typical sea surface current patterns for each season in Mid-Atlantic and southern New England waters. The maps are the latest data products developed through a partnership between the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS), the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) and the MARCO Portal Team. In 2019, MARCO, the Portal Team and MARACOOS created a series of maps depicting average monthly sea surface temperatures based on 15 years of data. The groups continue to work together to develop map products for the Portal that draw upon the real-time observational data and expertise provided through MARACOOS.
You can learn more about the sea surface currents and temperatures
maps in a special edition of our “How Tuesday” webinar series on April 14 from
11 a.m. to noon. Michael Crowley, technical director of MARACOOS and the
Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership, and RPS North America Executive Director of Ocean Science Kelly Knee will discuss and
demonstrate "How Tu" use the maps on the Portal and the data products on the MARACOOS OceansMap that were used to
create them. The session will be moderated by Portal Team member Karl Vilacoba of the Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute.
Webinar URL: https://monmouth.adobeconnect.com/maracoos/
The webinar is free and open to the public. For planning purposes, please register in advance to Karl Vilacoba at kvilacob@monmouth.edu.