
News from Our Partners

The following are news releases issued by MARCO partner organizations related to ocean planning topics in the Mid-Atlantic region.

USACE Maintained Channels Maps Added to Maritime Theme

A trio of new map layers on the Portal provide a detailed view of navigation channels maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The Channel Area, Channel Reach and Channel Quarter layers can be found in the Portal’s Maritime theme by clickin…

Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Size Exemptions Framework/Addendum Map Now in Fishing Theme

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Board are jointly developing a framework/addendum to consider potential changes to two exemptions t…

Share Feedback on BOEM ‘Central Atlantic 2’ Call Area by Oct. 21

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is seeking public comment through Oct. 21 on a call for information and nominations for a second regional offshore wind energy sale in the Central Atlantic, known as “Central Atlantic 2.” A map showing the boun…

View USACE Borrow and Placement Areas on Portal

A pair of map layers added to the Portal show areas used by the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for the placement and extraction of sand and sediments for dredging and beneficial reuse projects. The USACE National Sediment Management Framework Borrow Area…

July 2024 Updates: Historic Sites, No-Discharge Zones, Ocean Obs Buoys, Hurricanes, Port Authorities, House Districts

Eight new data layers were recently added to the Portal’s Administrative, Water Quality and Oceanography themes. MARCO thanks our data-sharing partners for these additions.

BOEM to Hold Central Atlantic Lease Sale Aug. 14

Two areas in the Central Atlantic that will be auctioned by the Bureau of Offshore Energy Management (BOEM) in an Aug. 14 offshore wind energy lease sale can be viewed on the Portal. The BOEM Central Atlantic Final Sale Notice of OCS-A 0557 (A-2) and OCS-…

June 2024 How Tuesday: Intro to the Portal

The June 25 edition of our How Tuesday webinar series provided an introductory lesson on the Portal’s data, tools and features. The webinar was hosted by Portal Project Manager Karl Vilacoba of Monmouth University's Urban Coast Institute.

Commercial Fishing Footprints, Transit Density Data Now Online

Two new commercial fisheries datasets are now available in the Portal’s Fishing theme. Both datasets were developed and integrated into the Portal at the request of the commercial fishing industry and fishery managers on the Atlantic coast. Managers and i…

View Annual, Monthly Maps of 2023 Vessel Transit Counts

A series of new maps based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data show monthly and annual traffic patterns for several types of vessels in 2023.

View Average Monthly and Seasonal Wind Speeds at Sea Surface, Turbine Hub Heights

(Updated May 21 to include seasonal data information.)Two new data slider features on the Portal show average monthly and seasonal wind speeds throughout the Mid-Atlantic region at near-surface and the approximate hub height of offshore wind turbines.

Passive acoustic data confirms North Atlantic right whale distributions

The North Atlantic right whale models in the Portal’s Marine Life Library were recently featured in a new scientific paper in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series. The publication documents the first-ever use of acoustic data to evaluate and confirm…

Updated Marine Bird Distribution Models for U.S. Atlantic Waters Added to Marine Life Library

Through a collaboration with the Marine-life Data & Analysis Team (MDAT), the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal and Northeast Ocean Data Portal have updated their marine life libraries to include updated marine bird distribution model data products devel…

Offshore Wind Updates: Atlantic Shores, Empire Wind, Sunrise Wind, Gulf of Maine WEA

The following updates were recently made to the Portal’s Renewable Energy theme.

Coast Guard Seeks Public Input on Proposed Shipping Safety Fairways

(This article was updated March 25 with info on a new public comment deadline and public meeting date.)The U.S. Coast Guard is seeking public comment through May 17 on a proposal to establish a network of shipping safety fairways along the East Coast. The…

Watch: Coastal and Ocean Acidification Monitoring Data Webinar

Our March 19 "How Tuesday" webinar provided a tour of the Portal’s coastal and ocean acidification monitoring sites maps and an overview of acidification in the Mid-Atlantic.

Winter 2024 Updates: Offshore Wind Installed Infrastructure, Marine Debris

In addition to the many updates reported in our News section, the following data additions and enhancements were recently made to the Portal.

New Data Products Show that Marine Mammal Stocks in North Atlantic Are Highly Vulnerable to Climate Change

In collaboration with the NOAA Fisheries staff, the Marine-life Data & Analysis Team (MDAT) developed new data products that depict the total abundance and species richness of marine mammals in the western North Atlantic (U.S. East Coast) that are vulnera…

Offshore Wind Ports in the Mid-Atlantic

A new map on the Portal shows the locations of port facilities that are currently in use or are expected to accommodate offshore wind farm development in the Mid-Atlantic region.

BOEM Seeks Input through Feb. 12 on Proposed Central Atlantic Lease Sale Areas

Two areas in the Central Atlantic proposed by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) for offshore wind energy lease sales in 2024 can now be viewed in Marine Planner. The new BOEM Central Atlantic Proposed Lease Sale Areas of OCS-A 0557 (A-2) and OC…

Note: Update to Leatherback Sea Turtle Maps

In September of 2023, through a collaboration with the Marine-life Data & Analysis Team (MDAT), the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast ocean data portals expanded their marine life data collections to include new sea turtle surface density model data products…

Where Is Coastal and Ocean Acidification Being Monitored in Your Area?

View the places at sea, in coastal waterways and estuaries where the waters are being monitored for signs of increasing acidity with a collection of maps in Marine Planner.The Portal’s acidification-related maps can be found by clicking on the “Acidificat…

November 2023 How Tuesday: Intro to the Portal

Our Nov. 14 webinar offered a beginner's tour of the Portal's data, tools and features. The session was hosted by Karl Vilacoba, Portal project manager. For additional editions of our How Tuesday series, visit our Webinars page.

Virginia Blue Crab, Oyster and SAV Sanctuaries Added to Marine Planner

Three map layers showing sanctuaries for blue crabs, oysters and submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and along Virginia’s shoreline have been added to the Portal’s new Conservation theme.

Maps Shows Sea Turtle Strandings by Species, Type, Season and Location

A series of new maps on the Portal show the sites of thousands of sea turtle strandings reported from 2000 through 2020 from Maine to Virginia. The maps were created from data maintained and provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …

Proposed Southern New England Habitat Area of Particular Concern Added to Marine Planner

On Sept. 26, 2023, NOAA Fisheries published a Proposed Rule to implement the New England Fishery Management Council’s Framework Adjustment that would identify a Habitat Area of Particular Concern (HAPC) offshore of Southern New England. This rule would ad…

Fall 2023 Updates: Offshore Wind, Marine Debris, Import Password-Protected Data

In addition to the many updates reported in our News section, the following data additions and enhancements were recently made to the Portal.

Introducing the Conservation Theme

A new Conservation theme has been created in Marine Planner to highlight areas where ocean and coastal conservation measures are proposed or currently in place in the Mid-Atlantic.

How Tuesday Webinar: The N.Y. Geographic Information Gateway and Virginia Coastal GEMS

The Sept. 19 edition of the Portal’s “How Tuesday” webinar series highlighted two state tools serving coastal and ocean data: the new-and-improved New York State Geographic Information Gateway and Virginia Coastal GEMS. The session featured demos and tips…

New Sea Turtle Density Models Available for Four Species in U.S. Atlantic Waters

Through a collaboration with the Marine-life Data & Analysis Team (MDAT), the Northeast Ocean Data Portal and Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal have expanded their marine life map collections to include new sea turtle surface density model data products …

BOEM Central Atlantic Final Wind Energy Areas Added to Portal

A map showing three final Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Central Atlantic Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) off the coasts of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia can now be viewed on the Portal.

Summer 2023 Updates: Offshore Wind Project Areas, Coastal Wetlands, Aids to Navigation, Bathymetric Contours

(Updated 7/26/23)In addition to the many updates reported in the News section, the following data additions and enhancements were recently made to the Portal.

Map Collection Shows Region’s Vast Network of Coastal Water Trails

Take an online cruise through thousands of miles of coastal water trails in the Mid-Atlantic with a collection of interactive maps in the Portal’s Recreation theme.Ten new maps show the routes for publicly designated and accessible water trails in coastal…

Locate Public Boat Ramps throughout the Region on the Portal

Find a nearby ramp to launch your boat with a new collection of interactive maps showing the locations of hundreds of publicly accessible facilities along the Mid-Atlantic coast.Portal users can click on the “Boat Ramps” dropdown in the Recreation theme f…

Map Indicates Wave Heights and Directions Along East Coast

A new map in the Portal’s Oceanography theme models typical wave heights, directions and intervals at sea and in major estuaries from Maine to Florida.

Maps Show 2022 Vessel Traffic Patterns in Mid-Atlantic

View monthly and annual traffic patterns for several types of vessels in 2022 with a series of new maps based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data.

Hundreds of New Monthly Marine Mammal Data Products Reflect Recent Observations and Updated Modeling Methods

In collaboration with the Northeast Regional Council on the Ocean and the Marine life Data & Analysis Team (MDAT), the cetacean data products on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal have been updated to reflect the latest model outputs developed by the …

BOEM Publishes Final Call Area in Gulf of Maine for Commercial Wind Energy Development

On April 25, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced the publication of the Gulf of Maine’s Call for Information and Nominations (Call). The Call invites public comment on, and assesses interest in, possible commercial wind energy developme…

Munitions and Explosives of Concern Map Added to Security Theme

The Portal’s Unexploded Ordnance Areas and Unexploded Ordnance Locations map layers have been replaced by a new Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) layer, now available in the Security theme. The map, first published by MarineCadastre.gov, consolida…

View Proposed Sites of Offshore Wind Turbines, Power Cables and Substations

Five new maps showing the proposed locations for offshore wind energy infrastructure such as turbines, transmission cables, and substations throughout the region can now be viewed on the Portal. The map layers present the most up-to-date publicly availabl…

Coast Guard Seeks Comments on Recommendations from Port Access Route Studies

The Coast Guard is seeking public comment on an update to its Consolidated Port Approaches and International Entry and Departure Transit Areas Port Access Route Studies (CPAPARS). The CPAPARS includes a series of recommendations and alternatives for shipp…

'Ocean Stories' Miniseries Examines Offshore Wind Transmission Planning

A two-part mini-series of “Ocean Stories” features on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal offers an educational look at the basics of offshore wind energy transmission siting.

Watch: Explore the Hudson Canyon with the Portal

Portal project manager Karl Vilacoba demonstrated how to use the site's interactive maps to get acquainted with the Hudson Canyon during a Jan. 31 Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean webinar on marine sanctuaries. The canyon is currently under…

See Which Counties Experience Surges in Summer Ocean Tourism Employment

A new map in the Portal’s Socioeconomic theme reveals which of the region’s coastal counties see the greatest spikes in summer employment tied to ocean tourism. The Ratio of Summer Peak to Off Peak Leisure & Hospitality Sector Employment map layer is …

Net Primary Productivity Maps Now Span 2010-22

Seventeen new map layers showing seasonal averages for net primary productivity (NPP) from Newfoundland, Canada, to northern Florida have been added to Marine Planner. With the latest additions, the Portal’s collection of NPP map layers now covers every s…

BOEM Central Atlantic Draft Wind Energy Areas Map Now Available

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is seeking public comment on a group of eight draft wind energy areas (WEA) under consideration from Delaware to North Carolina. Portal users can view and analyze the areas, which cover approximately 1.75 milli…

New Maps of Commercial Fishing Vessel Activity Between 2015-2019

Nine new commercial fishing vessel activity data products are now available. These are the result of a multiyear collaboration among the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC), the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO), and the Responsible O…

Import GIS Files and Draw Polygons, Lines and Points with Shapes Tool

Registered Portal users can now import GIS files from their desktops in addition to drawing and saving polygons, multi-segment lines and points with the Shapes tool, accessible via a quick start button and in the MyPlanner tab in Marine Planner. The tool,…

Wastewater Discharge Levels, Pipes and Treatment Facilities Data Added to Portal

Learn about the volumes, sources and sites of wastewater discharge in the ocean and its tributaries with three new map layers available on the Portal. The Wastewater Outfalls and Discharge Flow, Wastewater Outfall Pipes, and Wastewater Facilities maps can…

USDOT Marine Highways, Roll-On/Roll-Off Freight Facilities Added to Portal

The Portal’s Maritime theme now includes a pair of maps showing the routes of Marine Highways designated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the locations of marine roll-on/roll-off facilities throughout the region.

Proposed North Atlantic Right Whale Seasonal Speed Zones

NOAA Fisheries is proposing changes to the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) vessel speed regulations to further reduce the likelihood of mortalities and serious injuries to endangered right whales from vessel collisions, which are a leadin…

Summer Updates: Lightering Zones, U.S. Wind, Port Tonnage, Cape Fear Anchorage Areas

We’re pleased to announce the following recent data additions and updates to the Portal.

Submarine Cable Areas Map Consolidates Data from NASCA and NOAA Chart Layers

The Submarine Cables and Pipelines map collection found in the Portal's Maritime theme has been reorganized to reflect the receipt of updated federal data. As part of these changes, the NASCA Submarine Telecom Cables and NOAA Charted Submarine Teleco…

Map Layer Import Tool Now Compatible with Additional Data Formats

Registered Portal users can now display a wider selection of map data types from outside websites on Marine Planner using the Map Layer Import Tool. The improved tool also now allows for imported map layers to be saved in the MyPlanner tab along with book…

See Mid-Atlantic’s Top Areas for Whale and Dolphin Watch Tours

View the most popular areas for whale and dolphin watch tourism off the Mid-Atlantic coast with a new map in the Portal’s Recreation theme.

Maps Show Marine Mammal Strandings by Season, Species and County

The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal has published a series of new maps charting the locations of marine mammal stranding events reported over the course of two decades from Virginia to Maine. The maps were created with data maintained by the National Ocean…

June 2022 How Tuesday: Intro to the Portal

The June 2022 edition of our How Tuesday webinar series offered a beginner lesson on the Portal's data, tools and features. The session was hosted by Portal Project Manager Karl Vilacoba of Monmouth University's Urban Coast Institute.

New Fish Biomass Time Series Sliders and Maps Showing Potential Vulnerability of Fish Species to EMF

Over the past year, the Marine life Data & Analysis Team (MDAT) and the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC)-Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) Marine Life Fish Work Group collaborated on new fish biomass data products derived from …

2021 AIS Vessel Transit Counts and Monthly Sliders Now Available

Portal users can study annual and monthly vessel traffic patterns from 2021 with a series of new maps based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data.

BOEM Seeks Input on Potential Central Atlantic Wind Energy Areas

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has published a Call for Information and Nominations to assess commercial interest in and obtain public input on potential wind energy leasing activities in federal waters of the Central Atlantic. An interactiv…

New England Port Access Route Study Map in Maritime Theme

A map showing the boundary for the U.S. Coast Guard-led Approaches to Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Port Access Route Study (MNMPARS) is now viewable on the Portal.

Sand Resources Map Shows Areas Where Materials for Coastal Projects May Exist

A Sand Resources map added to the Portal shows offshore areas where sediments usable for projects such as beach nourishment, shore protection and coastal wetlands restoration may exist. The map was created by the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management …

Cetacean Data Products Now Reflect New North Atlantic Right Whale Model Outputs

The cetacean data products developed by the Marine life Data & Analysis Team (MDAT), including all summary products, now include the latest North Atlantic right whale models developed by the Duke University Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab (MGEL). In add…

View Coast Guard’s Amended Cape Fear Anchorage Proposal

An anchorage area first proposed by the Coast Guard in 2020 to accommodate vessels near the approaches of the Cape Fear River in North Carolina has been amended and can now be viewed on the Portal.

Introducing the Indigenous Nations, Communities & Cultures Map Collection

The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal has assembled a new Indigenous Nations, Communities & Cultures map collection to assist with ocean planning and increase awareness of the region’s deep American Indian heritage and history.

View Proposals from Final N.Y. Bight Port Access Route Study

The First Coast Guard District has completed a Northern New York Bight Port Access Route Study (NNYBPARS) to evaluate the adequacy of existing vessel routing measures and determine whether additional ones are necessary for port approaches to New York and …

BOEM Central Atlantic Draft Call Area Added to Marine Planner

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is seeking public input on a newly released BOEM Central Atlantic DRAFT Call for Information and Nominations Area, which can now be viewed on the Portal.

BOEM NY Bight Final Sale Notice Areas Now on Portal

A new BOEM NY Bight Final Sale Notice Areas (2022) map shows six areas off the New Jersey-New York coast that will be up for bid in a federal offshore wind energy lease sale on Feb. 23.

Ferry Routes and Terminals Added to Maritime Theme

Two new data layers showing the Mid-Atlantic’s robust network of ferry routes and terminals have been added to the Maritime theme in Marine Planner. Both datasets are provided and maintained by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportat…

Map Shows Reproductive Potential of Atlantic Sea Scallop Across Most of the Species’ Range

In collaboration with the University of Massachusetts School of Marine Science and Technology (SMAST) and Northeast Ocean Data Portal, a new map has been published on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal that shows the results of a multi-year survey to char…

New Avian Movement Data Show Black-Capped Petrel Offshore Foraging Activity

A new map layer depicting the first satellite tracks of the endangered black-capped petrel has been added to the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, U.…

Video: 'How Tu' Use the Portal's Tools Webinar

Our 11/16/21 edition of the Portal’s “How Tuesday” webinar series provided a tutorial on using Groups and the Portal’s other advanced tools.

Create Shapes, Lines and Points with Improved Drawings Tool

Registered Portal users can now create and save lines, points and polygons with the improved Drawings tool, accessible via a new quick start button in Marine Planner.

MARACOOS, MARCO to Expand Ocean Mapping and Research Partnership

Maritime industries, government agencies, researchers and members of the public will have access to improved oceanographic data through a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System…

Maps Estimate Average Monthly Sea Bottom Temperatures

MARCO and MARACOOS have published a series of new maps on the Portal that estimate average monthly sea bottom temperatures in ocean and estuarine areas from Nova Scotia to Cape Hatteras.

Introducing Private Groups

Portal Groups offer co-workers, classmates and like-minded users an easy way to share saved maps and drawings and collaborate on projects. With Portal Groups, you can eliminate the hassle of emailing links back and forth or creating Google Docs with long …

View Recommendations from Coast Guard N.J. Seacoast Port Access Route Study

Portal users can now examine a network of shipping safety routes and anchorage grounds recommended by the U.S. Coast Guard’s recently published Port Access Route Study: Seacoast of New Jersey Including Offshore Approaches to the Delaware Bay, Delaware dra…

Maps Track Balloon Litter and Marine Debris Found in MARCO Beach Sweeps

Three new map layers in Marine Planner provide a snapshot of the prevalence of balloon litter among the many types of plastic marine debris found on beaches throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

New Data to Support Planning of Regional-Scale Passive Acoustic Monitoring Along Atlantic Coast

In collaboration with the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center Passive Acoustic Research Program and the Regional Wildlife Science Entity (RWSE), the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal and Northeast Ocean Data Portal have added data layers to represent the…

Updated Maps of Fish Distribution and Abundance

The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, in coordination with the Marine-life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT), the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), OceanAdapt, and the Northeast Ocean Data Portal, announce the release of updated maps depicting th…

VIDEO: Port Access Route Studies Update & Map Data Webinar

In the Sept. 14 edition of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal’s “How Tuesday” webinar series, presented in partnership with the Coast Guard and Northeast Regional Ocean Council, Coast Guard personnel presented information on findings, public comment oppor…

View Routing Measures Proposed by Northern N.Y. Bight PARS Report

The U.S. Coast Guard has published a Northern New York Bight Port Access Route Study (NNYBPARS) draft report that recommends a series of routing measures designed to accommodate vessels heading to and from the New York Harbor area and around proposed offs…

Video: June Intro to the Portal Webinar

Our June 29, 2021, "How Tuesday" webinar offered an introductory tutorial on the Portal's interactive maps and features. The session was hosted by Karl Vilacoba of the Portal Technical Team and Monmouth University's Urban Coast Institu…

Coast Guard Chesapeake Bay Approaches Draft Report Now Available

The U.S. Coast Guard has announced the availability of a draft report for its Port Access Route Study (PARS) for the Approaches to the Chesapeake Bay, which was first launched in November 2019. A new map layer on the Portal shows a network of shipping saf…

NY Bight Wind Energy Lease Sale Maps Added to Portal

A pair of new maps showing the areas of a proposed Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) offshore wind energy lease sale in the New York Bight have been added to the Portal’s Renewable Energy theme.

2020 AIS Vessel Transit Counts and Monthly Sliders Now Available

Portal users can study annual and monthly vessel traffic patterns from 2020 with a series of new maps based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data.

Map Collection Models Fishing Effects to Sea Bottom

The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal has added 350 interactive map layers that model annual and monthly impacts of fishing gear on the seafloor as well as the types of sediments commonly found along the bottom of ocean areas and estuaries throughout the reg…

Portal Adds, Reorganizes Fishing Management Areas Maps

The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal has made several major updates to its collection of maps of fisheries management areas and closures based on feedback received from fisheries managers and industry members. The feedback was gathered as part of a collabor…

Coast Guard Seeks Additional Information on Northern NY Bight PARS

On April 12, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) posted a supplemental notice of study to seek additional information related to the notice of study that was published on June 29, 2020, regarding the Northern New York Bight Port Access Route Study (NNYBPARS). Fol…

Proposed Ambrose Anchorage Ground Available in Maritime Theme

Portal users can now view and analyze a 15-square-mile anchorage area proposed by the U.S. Coast Guard to accommodate future vessel traffic to port facilities in New York and New Jersey. The USCG Proposed Ambrose Anchorage Ground can be accessed by clicki…

BOEM Wind Planning Areas Map Updated with New NY Bight Sites

The Portal’s BOEM Wind Planning Areas map has been updated to include nearly 800,000 acres of newly designated Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in the New York Bight, between Long Island and the New Jersey coast. The map can be found by clicking on the Planning a…

Seafloor Habitat Theme Launched with New Modeled Shoals Map

A new theme has been created to house and provide more direct access to the Portal’s growing collection of Seafloor Habitat maps, recognizing the importance of understanding seafloor characteristics as an important driver of ecological processes and an im…

Water Quality Theme and Impaired Waters Map

The Portal’s growing collection of maps depicting water pollution and changes in ocean chemistry are now organized in a new Water Quality theme.

Map Shows Proposed New York Reef Expansion Areas

Portal users can view the boundaries of nearly a dozen new and expanded artificial reef areas proposed and currently under evaluation by the State of New York. Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently committed to doubling New York's existing reef acreage by expanding …

Coastal Zone Management Act Boundary Added to Portal

A map showing the Coastal Zone Management Act boundaries for each of the Mid-Atlantic states is now available in the Portal’s Administrative theme. The map represents the extent of the nation's coastal zone, as defined by the individual states and territo…

Virginia Wind Turbine Locations Added to Portal

The first offshore wind turbines in U.S. federal waters are now producing power off the coast of Virginia and their locations are charted on the Portal.

Maps Illustrate Historic Hurricane Activity

Retrace the paths of the Atlantic Coast’s most powerful hurricanes and learn which regions have historically faced the greatest exposure from major storms with a series of new maps on the Portal.

Video Rewind: Intro to the Portal Webinar

Our Sept. 15, 2020, "How Tuesday" webinar provided an introductory overview of the Portal's data and tools. If you're interested in organizing an online training for your organization, email us at portal@midatlanticocean.org.

View Monthly and Annual Offshore Wind Speeds

Learn which offshore areas tend to experience the strongest winds each month or all year round with a collection of 13 new maps on Marine Planner.

Map Shows Potential Atlantic Coast Shipping Safety Fairways Proposed by Coast Guard

Portal users can now view and analyze a network of Atlantic Coast shipping safety fairways that are under consideration by the U.S. Coast Guard. The interactive Potential Fairways map, which can be found in the USCG Proposed Areas and Studies collection i…

View Combined Map of East Coast Port Access Route Studies

The boundaries for four U.S. Coast Guard-led Port Access Route Study (PARS) areas along the East Coast are now presented in a single consolidated map on the Portal. In addition, this Port Access Route Study Areas layer includes the boundary for a new Nort…

2018 and 2019 AIS Vessel Traffic Maps

What areas of the Mid-Atlantic see the most intense shipping traffic each year? How much does overall vessel traffic change from its peak summer months to the winter? Where do vessel activities show strong connections with other features such as artificia…

Video Rewind: NJ/Del. Bay PARS and Cape Fear Anchorage Webinar

Our June 16 “How Tuesday” webinar centered on a Coast Guard Port Access Route Study (PARS) area extending offshore from Long Branch, New Jersey, to Ocean City, Maryland, and a proposed anchorage area near the Cape Fear River in North Carolina. Jerry Ba…

USS Monitor, Mallows Bay-Potomac Sanctuaries Now on Portal

Maps showing the areas of federal marine sanctuaries surrounding the wreck of the legendary Civil War ironclad USS Monitor off the coast of North Carolina and a fleet of sunken World War I ships in the Potomac River can now be viewed in Marine Planner.

NJ/Delaware Bay Port Access Route Study, Proposed NC Anchorage Area

Two new maps showing a U.S. Coast Guard-led New Jersey Seacoast/Delaware Bay Port Access Route Study (PARS) area and a proposed anchorage area near the approach to North Carolina’s Cape Fear River have been added to the Portal. Both maps can be accessed b…

Video Rewind: Earth Day Shifting Species Webinar

Our 4/22/20 webinar examined a series of maps on the Portal illustrating shifts that have taken place over the last five decades by several commercially and recreationally important fish species living along the East Coast.

Video Rewind: MARACOOS Data Webinar

In the April 14 edition of the Portal’s “How Tuesday” webinar series, Michael Crowley, technical director of MARACOOS and the Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership, and RPS North America Executive Director of Ocean Science Kelly Knee di…

Maps Show Significant Shifts by Mid-Atlantic Fish Species

A series of interactive maps published on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal illustrates the shifts that have taken place over the last five decades by several commercially and recreationally important fish species living along the East Coast.

March Updates: Canyons, Undersea Features, Pilot Areas

We’re pleased to announce the following data additions and improvements in Marine Planner.

North Carolina Port Access Route Study Area Now on Portal

A new map showing the focus area for a North Carolina Port Access Route Study (NCPARS) being led by the U.S. Coast Guard is now available in Marine Planner. The NCPARS is being conducted to determine whether existing or additional vessel routing measures …

MARACOOS, MARCO Create Surface Currents Maps for Portal

The Portal has published its first series of map layers showing typical sea surface current patterns for each season in Mid-Atlantic and southern New England waters.

Maps Show Monthly Distributions of Loggerhead Sea Turtles

The Portal has added 12 new map layers showing the monthly densities of tagged loggerhead sea turtles throughout southern New England and the Mid-Atlantic Bight.

Video: Coast Guard Data Webinar

In this January 2020 "How Tuesday" webinar, guest presenters Jerry Barnes and Matt Creelman of the Fifth Coast Guard District demonstrated how to use the Portal to analyze proposed anchorage areas in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bay vicinities, and a new P…

Updates: Power Infrastructure, Basemaps and Bookmarks Tool

We’re pleased to announce the following recent improvements and data additions to the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal.

Maps Show Migration Patterns and Habitats of Diving Birds

In partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), nine new map layers showing the core use areas of three diving bird species – the northern gannet, red-throated loon, and surf scoter – during s…

Portal Adds Coast Guard Proposed Anchorage Areas and Studies Data

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal team have partnered to create three new maps showing proposed anchorage grounds in the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay areas and a Port Access Route Study (PARS) area extending offshore from Cape …

Portal Expands Offshore Wind Map Collection

Nine new map layers depicting offshore wind project areas and infrastructure in the Mid-Atlantic and New England have been added to Marine Planner. In addition, four dropdown categories have been added to the Renewable Energy theme in an effort to organiz…

Seasonal Housing, Ocean Employment Maps Added to Portal

Two new maps in Marine Planner’s Socioeconomic theme provide a glimpse at which coastal counties’ economies are most closely linked with the ocean. Both maps are digitized, interactive versions of maps that first appeared in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Coun…

Marine Life Data Webinar: July 2019

Our 7/31/19 webinar provided a tour of new and improved fish and marine mammal data available on the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portals.

Artificial Reefs Map Updated, Now Includes Chesapeake Sites

The Portal’s Artificial Reefs map has been expanded to include dozens of new sites in the Chesapeake Bay and revised to update the footprints of some installations at sea.

Portal Expands Submarine Cables and Pipelines Data

Three new maps showing the approximate routes of telecommunications and power lines and submerged oil and gas pipelines in the Mid-Atlantic have been added to Marine Planner.

Spring Fish Data Added to Marine Life Library; Marine Mammals Updated

For the first time, users can now search the Portal’s Marine Life Library for maps depicting the distribution and biomass of individual fish species in both the spring and fall seasons using methods developed by NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center. …

MARCO, MARACOOS Partner to Produce Monthly Maps of Sea Surface Temps

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO), the MARCO Portal Team, and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS) have partnered to create a series of maps depicting average monthly sea surface temperatures…

Video Rewind: June 2019 How Tuesday

Our June 18, 2019, webinar provides an introductory tour of the Portal. Presented by Karl Vilacoba of the Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute.

Introducing the Linear Measurement Tool

Draw a line to measure the distance from one point to another with the new Linear Measurement Tool in Marine Planner. The easy-to-use feature was created at the request of users and provides accurate distances in kilometers, miles and nautical miles.

Lighthouses Map Guides Way through Region’s Maritime History

Cape Henry Lighthouse. Old Barney. The Twin Lights of the Navesink. Montauk Point Light. The Mid-Atlantic is home to some of America’s most storied and iconic lighthouses. No longer the critical aids to navigation they were in eras past, the region’s ligh…

Oceanography Updates: New Bathymetry and Seabed Maps

Explore the Mid-Atlantic’s sea bottom in greater detail than ever before with four new maps in our Oceanography theme. We’ve added two high-definition bathymetry maps covering the full East Coast and a pair of maps illustrating natural sediment drift in o…

Updates: Administrative Data Collection

Five new maps showing jurisdictional or agency service area boundaries relevant to coastal and ocean management have been added to the Administrative theme in Marine Planner.

Map Shows Areas with Federally Identified Sand Resources

A new map in Marine Planner allows users to examine areas along the Mid-Atlantic coast where sand and gravel resources may be available.

Video: Mid-Atlantic Ocean Forum Panel

A panel at the March 20, 2019, Mid-Atlantic Ocean Forum focused on the Portal and regional ocean data priorities. Members of the Portal Team provided a preview of map products and site improvements planned for 2019, while several users presented case stud…

Introducing the Slider and Animation Tool

You can now automatically animate maps with the click of a button or toggle through layers showing the same data types from different time periods with our new slider and animation tool.

Where Is Acidification Being Monitored in Your Area?

A group of six new maps in Marine Planner provide a comprehensive view of the places at sea, in coastal waterways and estuaries where the waters are being monitored for signs of increased acidification.

Updates: Fishery Management Areas

The Portal’s collection of Fishery Management Areas has been updated to reflect the most current boundaries published by the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Greater Atlantic Regional Fishery Office.

Discover History on the Ocean Floor with Wrecks & Obstructions Map

Scan the Mid-Atlantic for cargo ships sunk by German U-boats, vessels long last at sea and other mysteries of the deep with the newly added Wrecks & Obstructions map in Marine Planner.

Video Rewind: AIS Vessel Traffic Data Webinar

Our Dec. 11 webinar covered the Portal’s Automatic Identification System (AIS) vessel traffic maps. Portal Team member Karl Vilacoba walked users through the maps in Marine Planner and offered a peak at a new tool that will enable users to animate and …

New: BOEM Identified NY Bight Draft Wind Energy Areas of Recommendation

A map showing the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Identified New York Bight Draft Wind Energy Areas of Recommendation can now be viewed in Marine Planner.

2015-17 AIS Vessel Traffic Maps Added to Portal

Learn where and when vessel traffic is most concentrated along the East Coast with 29 new maps in Marine Planner. The Portal’s collection of Automatic Identification System (AIS) maps, which previously covered 2011-13, has been updated with 2015-17 data, …

Free Portal Exercises Available for Educators

Middle, high school and university level teachers can download a free set of interactive classroom exercises focused on the Portal at Green Fire Productions’ new Exploring Ocean Frontiers Educator Resources web page.

Video Rewind: Marine Life Mapping Webinar

The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portals offered a joint webinar on Sept. 28, 2018, that covered how the sites' collections of roughly 3,000 marine life maps were aggregated and demonstrated how to access the data.

Marine Life Data Updated with New Maps, Recent Observations

The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, in coordination with the Northeast Data Portal, the Marine Cadastre and the Marine-life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT), announce the release of updated (“Version 2”) marine life data products. Roughly 3,000 maps showing …

Video Rewind: Communities at Sea & Fishing Webinar

Our 6/12/18 How Tuesday webinar explored the Portal’s library of nearly 1,000 commercial fishing maps and its new Communities at Sea search tool. With demos from Portal team members Jim Trimble of the Grant F. Walton Center for Remote Sensi…

Browse 1,000 Commercial Fishing Maps in Marine Planner

Where do the fishing vessels you see passing through the inlet go? How have the Mid-Atlantic’s fishing hot spots changed over the last 20 years? Which areas of the ocean are most important to your local fishing port and economy? A new collection of intera…

View Interactive Map of NY Bight Wind Energy Call Areas

Four new areas off the New York and New Jersey coasts that are being considered by the federal government for their suitability to accommodate offshore wind installations can now be viewed and analyzed in Marine Planner. An interactive map showing these N…

8 Years of Fronts, Primary Productivity Data Now Available

Forty new maps showing Fronts Probability and Net Primary Productivity along the East Coast have been added to Marine Planner, bringing these datasets up to date to cover every season from 2010 through 2017. The maps are the first installment in a long-pl…

Updates: Security Data

The Portal’s collection of Security maps was recently updated based on input from the Department of Defense and other federal agencies. The changes include the consolidation of several maps showing individual military training areas into a smaller set tha…

New Homepage and Site Upgrades

Based on suggestions from users like you, we recently created a new homepage and reorganized the site to make it more intuitive and easier to find key content.

Video Rewind: January 2018 How Tuesday

Watch our Jan. 9 How Tuesday Open Tutorial webinar, which provides an introductory tour of the Portal's data and features.

NY Wind Energy Area for Consideration Now on Portal

Portal users can now compare new sites that the State of New York is examining for offshore wind development with thousands of other map layers showing shipping traffic, fishing activity, marine life distributions and more in Marine Planner.

Video Rewind: Ocean Acidification Webinar

Our Oct. 24 How Tuesday webinar covered the Portal’s seven coastal and ocean acidification monitoring sites maps and featured an informative discussion about the issue in the Mid-Atlantic. The session was hosted by Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Netwo…

Journal Highlights Portal’s Ocean Planning Impacts

How did the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Portal come to be and how is it being used for marine spatial planning? Find out in this article published Aug. 8 in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science.

Take the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Recreation Survey

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) is working closely with the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia to better understand how and where people in the region participate in recreational activities in the ocean…

Detailed Maps Show Estuarine Wetlands and Seagrass Areas

Two new map layers in the Portal’s Marine Life collection offer a tour of the locations of the Mid-Atlantic’s diverse estuarine wetlands and seagrass areas. Taken together, the maps will serve as a valuable resource for coastal planning and management dec…

Video Rewind: Mapping Risk in the Mid-Atlantic

Our July 11 webinar showcased online mapping tools in the Mid-Atlantic that illustrate risks posed to coastal areas, such as flooding, severe storms and sea level rise.

Acidification Monitoring Locations Now on Marine Planner

Find out where ocean, coastal and estuarine acidification is being monitored throughout the Mid-Atlantic on our new map in Marine Planner.

View Population Densities in Mid-Atlantic Coastal Watersheds

Portal users can now see how population densities line up with key ports, beach resorts and other coastal features in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast in Marine Planner.

Video Rewind: How Tu Use Marine Planner's Tools

Our May 16, 2017, How Tuesday webinar covered how to use Marine Planner's many tools -- drawings, bookmarks, the Active tab, Portal Groups, the ArcGIS Service Input Tool, and more.

Mid-Atlantic RPB Receives Benchley Ocean Award

Congratulations to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body (RPB), which was honored with the prestigious Peter Benchley Ocean Award on May 11 for its work developing the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan.

Spring Forward: What’s Next for the Portal in 2017?

My, how we’ve grown. At the start of 2016, the Portal had a collection of just over 150 map layers in Marine Planner. By year’s end, there were over 3,000 – roughly 20 times more. It’ll be tough to maintain a growth rate like that, but Portal users can st…

New Map Shows Ocean’s Economic Value to Coastal Counties

How valuable is the ocean to your local economy? Find out with a new collection of economic data viewable in Marine Planner.

Video Rewind: March How Tuesday

Watch our March 7, 2017, How Tuesday webinar for a tour the Portal's latest tools and features.

Atlantic Withdrawal, National Monument and Coral Protection Area Maps Now Online

Marine Planner users can now access maps and find the locations of three ocean areas off the Mid-Atlantic and New England coasts which recently received special protections from the federal government. Maps for the Atlantic Canyon Withdrawal and the North…

Video Rewind: Marine Life How Tuesday

Watch as we unveil the Portal’s Marine Life Library of approximately 3,000 map layers depicting individual species of fish, birds and marine mammals in the Mid-Atlantic.

Explore Thousands of Maps for Birds, Fish & Mammals in the Marine Life Library

Roughly 3,000 maps showing populations and abundance for individual species of fish, birds and mammals along the East Coast have been added to the Portal’s new searchable Marine Life Library.

State Dept. Spotlights Portal in Virtual Exhibit Hall

The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal was one of four virtual exhibits featured by the U.S. Department of State in a mobile app for its 2016 Our Ocean Conference, held Sept. 15-16 In Washington, D.C.

New Map Collections for Mid-Atlantic Birds, Fishes & Marine Mammals

Over 100 new maps depicting a trove of data related to the distribution and abundance of marine life throughout the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and East Coast regions are now available in Marine Planner.

What We Heard: FAQs from the MidA Ocean Plan Open Houses

Throughout July we had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of you as we hit the road in support of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan’s release. At each stop, we heard lots of questions.

New Data Illustrates Department of Defense Training and Testing Areas in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean

A dozen new map layers added to the Portal’s Security theme portray Department of Defense (DOD) at-sea training and testing areas as well as locations of pertinent infrastructure. In sharing this unclassified data for use in the Portal, the DOD has made a…

Video Rewind: August How Tuesday

Get a 101 lesson on ‘How Tu’ use the Portal with this 8/9/16 webinar hosted by Portal Team member Karl Vilacoba. The session concludes with an open Q&A with attendees.

Video Rewind: Communities at Sea & Fishing Data How Tuesday

Take a guided online tour of the Portal’s new “Communities at Sea” maps and other data related to commercial and recreational fishing in the region with our June 21 "How Tuesday" webinar. The session was hosted by Portal Technical Lead Jay Odell of The …

Input Map Data from Outside Sites with New Tool

Registered users can now combine data from outside mapping sites with the Portal’s nearly 200 map layers using our innovative new ArcGIS Service Input Tool.

Video Rewind: The HUDS & the Portal Webinar

Our May 3 “How Tuesday” webinar focused on the Human Use Data Synthesis (HUDS) project, which created a collection of 10 map layers that depict the many places and ways that people interact with the Mid-Atlantic Ocean. HUDS project lead Melanie Schroeder …

Explore Commercial Fishing in the Mid-Atlantic with New Interactive Maps

Over two dozen maps now available on the Portal present a more detailed picture than ever before of the extent and locations of commercial fishing activities throughout the upper East Coast.

Video Rewind: Marine Life & Data Analysis Team (MDAT) Webinar

Marine Life Data and Analysis Team (MDAT) project lead Professor Patrick Halpin of the Duke University Geospatial Ecology Lab shares his insights on the MDAT effort and the data it is producing. The data will soon take the form of several new maps on t…

Spring Forward: A Preview of Portal Upgrades in the Works

It’s going to be a very busy spring for the Portal Team. Taking questions from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body at its March 23 meeting, MARCO Director Kate Killerlain Morrison and Portal Technical Lead Jay Odell of the Nature Conservancy provided …

Introducing the Oceanography Theme

From the depths of the Mid-Atlantic’s canyons to its sandy shores, explore the physical and chemical properties of the ocean with the Portal’s new Oceanography theme.

Video Rewind: The ROA & the Portal

Guest hosts Peter Taylor of Waterview Consulting and Emily Schumchenia of E&C Enviroscape led a guided tour of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Assessment (ROA) and its links to the Portal during our March 8 “How Tuesday” webinar. Watch the recording b…

View the Portal’s New Human Use Data Synthesis Maps

The many places and ways people interact with the Mid-Atlantic Ocean are summarized in 10 new easy to understand maps on the Portal.

Nine Recreational Activity Layers Debut on Marine Planner

A collection of nine new map layers on Marine Planner will help to begin fill a gap in available data related to recreational use in the Mid-Atlantic.  The maps present a regional picture of the beachfront and offshore areas in the Mid-Atlantic that a…

Regional Ocean Assessment Now Online

The Regional Ocean Assessment (ROA), an interactive report summarizing the region's ocean ecosystem and the many ways people interact with the Mid-Atlantic Ocean, is now available online at roa.midatlanticocean.org. In addition, information from the Mar…

Portal Profile: MidA RPB Tribal Co-Lead Kelsey Leonard

For Shinnecock citizen Kelsey Leonard, becoming a leader in the Mid-Atlantic ocean planning movement was a natural extension of her heritage.

Magazine Features Portal and Mid-Atlantic Commercial Fishing Industry

An article in the December issue of The Nature Conservancy Magazine highlights the MARCO Portal and the valuable contributions made to it by members of the Mid-Atlantic’s fisheries.

Highly Migratory Species, 2013 Shipping Layers Debut on Marine Planner

Two new datasets – labeled EFH Highly Migratory Species and AIS Shipping Data (2013) – have been incorporated into Marine Planner, bolstering the Portal’s growing inventory of marine life and maritime information.

Coming in 2016: A Regional Ocean Plan and More Powerful Portal

The coming year will see several major improvements to the Portal along with the adoption of a first-ever Ocean Action Plan (OAP) for the Mid-Atlantic region. An important milestone for both projects was reached in September when government officials, T…

Explore new map data illustrating undersea cable routes

New data depicting the locations of in-service and out-of-service undersea cables is now available for viewing on Marine Planner. The data was supplied by the North American Submarine Cable Association (NASCA), an industry group that represents the majori…

Export Your Marine Planner Drawings in 4 File Types

Registered Portal users can now export their custom-made drawings in four file formats that can be used on outside programs.

Portal Redesign Links Users to Each Other via Stories, Data, Mapping

This week, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) and partners launched a redesign of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal (http://portal.midatlanticocean.org) – an online toolkit and resource center that helps stakeholders find and visualiz…

Visualizing aids to navigation with U.S. Coast Guard Fifth District

The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal team is helping the U.S. Coast Guard Fifth District to conduct an analysis of the existing network of seacoast navigation aids (or buoys) in the region.  

New Coastal Recreation Data Available for the Mid-Atlantic

Through a collaborative partnership between the Surfrider Foundation, Monmouth University, The Nature Conservancy, and Point 97 there is now new, non-consumptive recreational use data available for the Mid-Atlantic region.

Discovering New Territory and Gathering New Data with the Okeanos Explorer

In celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Star-Spangled Banner, the National Aquarium hosted the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s exploration ship, the Okeanos, from Sept. 10-14, 2014.

Portal Illuminates New Collaborative Opportunities for BOEM Official

Maureen Bornholdt has a lot to celebrate: This year, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body Co-Chair – along with her colleagues – is marking the first anniversary of the multi-state, intergovernmental group leading a new era of regional marine planning.

Lessons learned from across the pond

“Fishing is a way of life driven by passion,” said Colin Warwick as he kicked off the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s (MAFMC) Offshore Wind Best Management Practices Workshop this past February in Baltimore, MD.  

NOAA’s coastal leadership, Mid-Atlantic staff ready to dialogue, build trust

Margaret Davidson, acting director of NOAA’s Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, and Darlene Finch, Mid-Atlantic regional coordinator, both understand the pressures related to regional ocean planning. Often they are working to facilitate disc…

Portal team supports MAFMC coral workshop

On April 18, the Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC) held a participatory mapping workshop in Baltimore to develop options for their Squid, Mackerel and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan (Amendment 16). MAFMC invited the MARCO Portal Team t…