Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2018
by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation every June, Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) brings
together national and global stakeholders to address pressing science,
conservation, and management issues facing our ocean and Great Lakes. This year’s conference takes place
over two days and includes high-level plenaries from ocean visionaries
and breakout sessions for deeper discussions. Conversations will focus
on our changing ocean, restoration of our ocean and Great Lakes, and
working together for sustainable waters.
This year's events, which run from June 5-8, include the nation's premier ocean policy conference, the Ocean Awards Gala, and CHOW's first-ever Capitol Hill Day. Registration is now open for all three events at capitolhilloceanweek.org.
This year's events, which run from June 5-8, include the nation's premier ocean policy conference, the Ocean Awards Gala, and CHOW's first-ever Capitol Hill Day. Registration is now open for all three events at capitolhilloceanweek.org.