Download the Portal Mobile App for iOS and Android

You can now view Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal maps on an iPhone or Android device quickly and easily, wherever you may be. The new Portal app was designed to serve as a streamlined, mobile friendly version of the Portal’s “Marine Planner” GIS web app, which features thousands of interactive maps showing ocean resources and uses in the region.
Download the free app at:
Some advanced maps and capabilities (e.g. data sliders, drawings, data importing) from the desktop site’s web app, Marine Planner, are currently not available on the app. Enhancements will be made to future versions. Users should continue to visit to explore its full data offerings, tools and other content.
However, the app contains some features that are unique from the Portal, including a GPS indicator that shows where you’re located in real time on the map and an option to “favorite” layers, an alternative to the desktop site’s Bookmark tool which allows you to quickly activate them the next time you open the app.
The app was developed by a team of Monmouth University students and faculty under the direction of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO).
Using the App
Upon opening the app, you’ll be presented with a list of themes (data categories) from the Portal. Tap a theme for a dropdown list of all of the map layers it contains and then choose a layer to preview it. Manually zoom in/out to your preferred level and tap any of these icons for features:

● “i” in Circle (in header) – Opens a text box with information about layer.
● Folded Map (in header) – Change the basemap (satellite, grey, etc.)
● Key – Shows map legend.
● Ellipsis (Android)/Bullet List (iPhone) – Opens text box with info about data source(s).
● Heart – “Favorite” a layer for easy access in future sessions.
● Check (iPhone) / Plus Sign (Android) in Circle – Add a layer to “Active” list and main overlay map.
The Footer contains these additional icons:
● Search – Return to theme/map layer list.
● Check Mark – View list of Active layers you’ve chosen for main overlay map. Like the Portal’s Active tab, you can use this view to reorder and deactivate layers. Swipe right to Favorite or delete layers from the main map overlay.
● Transparent Map – View main map overlay of all Active layers. (In this view, you can also click the overlay icon at top right to mute/unmute layers, or the “i” dialogue balloon icon at bottom left for metadata.)
● Settings – Adjust personal options for how maps appear on your device, etc.
Tell Us What You Think
Help us continue to improve this app by reporting any technical issues you encountered or sharing any ideas you have to make it better. When reporting bugs, please be sure to include your device type and version. For questions, comments, or to report an issue, please email
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